Rangiora High School Rangiora High School

**Not Running in 2025** Level 1 Dance

Course Description

Teacher in Charge: Mrs R. McLean.

Recommended Prior Learning

No prior learning required. Just a passion to learn about dance and be prepared to perform and choreograph dance pieces based around a specific brief. 

Dance involves learning to use choreographic processes and performance practices. Through these ākonga will explore, select, refine, practice, reflect, synthesise, and edit while learning through dance.

Year 11 Dance offers students the opportunity to explore dance both as a viewer, a dancer and a choreographer. To follow a specific brief and create dance. There will be a combination of both practical and theory based lessons throughout the course. Students will need to choreograph to a specific brief and perform a number of dance pieces. Dance requires students to work both individually and in groups. 

Opportunities to attend dance performances will also be available during the course. 

Learning Areas:

Creative Arts

Assessment Policy & Procedures
Assessment Information

NCEA AS that would be covered across the course of the year:
4 Achievement standards would be offered:
2x internals:
AS 1.1 Compose a dance sequence in response to a brief (5 credits)Internal
AS 1.2 Perform dance sequences (6 credits) Internal
AS 1.4 Demonstrate understanding of the elements of dance in a dance sequence (5 credits) External
Total credits - 16 credits





It is our policy to have school-wide policies that inform parents and students of the criteria for administering all assessments for national qualifications.

Any costs or charges may change without notice.

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